A nice read. There’s also something to be said about how the fat is allocated - e.g. stored around organs or beneat the skin? A propensity for the former is reported to underlie most negative health effects of obesity.

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I think you're likely right, but I need to do more research to to get a solid opinion on that.

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I'm a fat (and occasionally/in the past very fat) human of advancing years who suffers from "mechanical" consequences of being heavy (osteoarthritis, which I developed after a lot of physical extertions at my heaviest ever in my early 40s) but who doesn't seem to suffer (so far anyway, at over 50yo) from any "medical" consequences of all that extra fat (neither diabetes nor prediabetes, nor CV related issues)

I also find it easy and very straightforward to lose weight on the standard-calculated 'calorie deficit' principle and if I maintain controlled intake, not put the weight back -- ie my difficulties are "behavioural change in relation to lifelong habits/emotional regulation techniques is very hard", not "I need to eat 800 kcal to not put on weight" or "I'm ravenous on anything under 3k".

I wonder if these two aspects are related.

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"This is defined as excessive because at or above that ratio, people tend to get negative health issues from all their fat,"

correlation is not causation. Just as likely, indeed more likely, the underlying problem is causing both the obesity and the health issues.

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